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It's inflation

 It's inflation
Categories: Great quotes

It's inflation

By abstaining from smoking, riding taxis, watching movies, eating sandwiches outside the home, and getting married, Mahmoud was able to save a few thousand in the bank. It was a small amount, but it was also large at the same time. He began to feel satisfied with himself and his future. He even started thinking about the possibility of marriage.. Why not? He is thirty-five years old and his appearance is not unpleasant. He was satisfied, as I said, until someone who knew the insides of matters came and said to him in confidence: “Inflation.” What about inflation? .. “Today you have a thousand pounds.. After two years, the purchasing value of this money will be close to two hundred pounds.. After another two years, the value of the money will not be enough to buy a piece of biscuit. This is how he became terrified.. Just as someone who is bleeding feels that life is leaking out of him. He is no longer able to Life and he realizes that he is bleeding money every second that passes...” And work? “There is no solution except real estate. Every day that passes increases its price.” Thus, he no longer sleeps. One of the brokers comes to him to tell him that there is a suitable plot of land in such-and-such a town. It is said that its price will rise. Thus, he travels there and spends an entire day studying. The situation, and he returns unable to make a decision...hesitation...pain...feeling deceived...feeling wasted time...feeling unfair...why doesn't someone offer him the best opportunity in the world and not ask for anything in return?...this is unfair... Here the phone rings.. A friend of his tells him that there is an excellent apartment on such and such street. He puts on his clothes and rushes there. If he had bought this apartment, he would not have been able to buy the land. But the apartment is large and free of risk, and you will not have to sign 578,801 papers. Administrative, as happens with land. He sleeps at night anxious. Tomorrow he will withdraw most of his money and go with the lawyer to complete this deal. In the morning, before going to the bank, another broker comes to him: “The Ministry of Agriculture has offered cheap land in an urban community. It is still a secret and we must act before it is broadcast. "This is how his health deteriorates, his color turns yellow, and he becomes closer to a vampire. He does not eat at all or sleep... and he travels to that spot to see the opportunity offered by the Ministry of Agriculture. The feeling goes away that he would have wasted his money on useless things if he had acted before this... What is worse is that he knows That somewhere there is an amazing show that he knows nothing about.. Others know everything about it and do not tell him.. The scoundrels want all the good for themselves and do not share it.. They will all become rich while he begs for a bite of bread in the alleys.. “There are cheap apartments on the street.” ....or "What did you do?... Fortunately you did not... There is land for reclamation in the town of... His life became hell... That's why when I met him that day and said to him, 'There is excellent land in... He exploded shouting: "Shut up! Don't tell me anything. I don't want to know." Then he opened the newspaper and read news about a clear deterioration in the capital of the bank in which he deposited his money. He shouted in joy: "May he go bankrupt! ... I pray to God that this bank will go bankrupt so that I can rest ... Why are there no bank robberies here like the ones we see in American movies?" I looked at him in confusion. There must be a long story that justifies his words, but I do not have enough time to listen to it. . In our world, if we were to listen to every nonsense we heard, we would not find time for anything else.

From the book “Depressing Laughs” by Dr. Ahmed Khaled Tawfiq

Categories: Great quotes
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